Timely Access Compliance and Annual Network Reporting

Timely Access Compliance and Annual Network Reporting

The Knox-Keene Act requires health plans to maintain provider networks that are sufficient to ensure that all covered health care services are readily available to each enrollee consistent with good professional practice. In addition, health plans are required to monitor and maintain networks sufficient to provide enrollees access to covered health care services within specific appointment wait time standards and to meet network adequacy requirements set forth within the Knox-Keene Act. To demonstrate compliance with these requirements, health plans are required to annually submit certain information to the DMHC.

On May 1 of each year, reporting plans (full-service health plans and specialized plans that provide mental health services) are required to report to the DMHC information regarding the plan's compliance with timely access standards and with network adequacy requirements, as described in Health and Safety Code sections 1367.03 and 1367.035, and title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2.2, sub. (h). In addition, health plans are required to submit data related to out-of-network payments made at contracted facilities, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1371.31 sub. (a)(4), and data pertaining to third-party corporate telehealth providers, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1374.141 sub. (d), as applicable. The DMHC reviews the data submitted annually for compliance with the Knox-Keene Act and the rules contained in title 28 of the California Code of Regulations.

On May 1 of each year, all profile-only plans (e.g., restricted and limited full-service, subcontracted and specialized mental health, dental, vision, acupuncture, and chiropractic health plans) are required to annually submit to the DMHC network profile information detailing the plan's approved network names, product lines, network service area, enrollment status, and plan-to-plan contracts, pursuant to title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2.2, sub. (h).

Timely Access Compliance Reporting Requirements

Health plans are required to annually submit to the DMHC a Timely Access Compliance Report that includes information related to monitoring the health plans' network compliance with timely access standards, including network survey results setting forth the percentage of providers with an appointment available within the applicable appointment wait time standard (rate of compliance) during the previous year.

For rates of compliance to be comparable across all health plans, Health and Safety Code section 1367.03, sub. (f)(3) authorizes the DMHC, in consultation with stakeholders, to develop standardized methodologies that are mandatory for use by health plans in measuring compliance with appointment wait time standards. The DMHC's standardized methodology requires health plans to survey network providers to identify the provider's next available urgent and non-urgent appointments. Health plans are required to include primary care physicians and providers, certain specialist physicians, psychiatrists, non-physician mental health providers and certain ancillary service providers in the survey. In addition, it requires that the health plan's survey identifies the next available non-physician mental health provider follow-up appointment. The results of this survey are used to calculate rates of compliance with the applicable appointment wait time standards for each of the health plan's networks.

A health plan is required to demonstrate its network capacity is compliant with the appointment wait time standards by obtaining a 70% urgent care rate of compliance, a 70% non-urgent care rate of compliance, and an 80% non-physician mental health provider follow-up rate of compliance. (Title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2.2, sub. (b)(12)(A) and (f).) If a health plan network does not meet either of these standards, the health plan will be required to investigate, submit a corrective action plan and may be subject to disciplinary action, pursuant to title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2.2., sub. (d), (f)(1)(I), (h)(6)(C) and (i).

The DMHC reviews the information health plans annually submit in the Timely Access Compliance Report, makes recommendations for changes to further protect enrollees and posts final findings in the annual Timely Access Report, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1367.03, sub. (i).

Health plans may access the current Timely Access Compliance Report Instructions, Methodology, Survey Tools and Reporting Templates in the Resources tab of the Timely Access and Annual Network Reporting Web Portal. All Plan Letters related to the Timely Access Compliance Report are available on the All Plan Letters webpage.

Annual Network Reporting Requirements

Health plans are required to annually submit to the DMHC information confirming the status of each of the plan's networks and enrollment, including a complete list of the plan's in-network providers, hospitals and other facilities, and enrollees within each network. The requirements for the Annual Network Report are set forth in title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section § 1300.67.2.2, sub. (h). Health plans also must submit a timely access and network adequacy grievance report, an out-of-network payment report and a third-party corporate telehealth provider report, as applicable.  Health plans are required to report data regarding clinical encounters with non-physician counseling mental health professionals. Reporting requirements are set forth in title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2.2, sub. (h), and the manuals and report forms incorporated within this Rule.

The DMHC reviews the submitted network information for compliance with network adequacy requirements within the Knox-Keene Act, in accordance with Health and Safety Code sections 1367.03, sub. (f), 1367.035 sub. (d) and supporting regulations. Health and Safety Code section 1367.03, sub. (f)(3) authorizes the DMHC, in consultation with stakeholders, to develop and update standardized reporting methodologies for this network adequacy review. Health plans may access the current Annual Network Report Instructions and Reporting Templates in the Resources tab of the Timely Access and Annual Network Reporting Web Portal. All Plan Letters related to the Annual Network Report submission are available on the All Plan Letters webpage. 

Health and Safety Code section 1367.03, sub. (f)(5) authorizes the DMHC, in consultation with stakeholders, to adopt network adequacy standards concerning the availability of primary care physicians, specialty physicians, hospital care and other health care, so that consumers have timely access to care. The DMHC is continuing to develop and update network adequacy requirements, standards and methodologies, pursuant to this section of the Knox-Keene Act. This includes updates to title 28 of the California Code of Regulations, section 1300.67.2, and incorporated documents. Updates to network adequacy requirements, standards and methodologies are available within the DMHC’s All Plan Letters, posted in the All Plan Letter section of the DMHC’s public website. Updates are also available on the Laws and Regulations section of the DMHC’s website, once filed with the Secretary of State.


Related Links

Sections 1367.03, 1367.035, 1371.31 and 1374.141 of the California Health and Safety Code

Section 1300.67.2.2 in Title 28 of the California Code of Regulations

Section 1300.67.2 in Title 28 of the California Code of Regulations

List of DMHC Licensed Health Plans