View Financial Examination Reports

View Financial Examination Reports

Pursuant to Section 1382 of the California Health and Safety Code, the Division of Financial Oversight is responsible for conducting routine financial examinations of each health plan and issuing a public report for each plan a minimum of once every five years. In addition to routine examinations, the Department conducts orientation examinations one year after licensing a new health plan and conducts non-routine financial examinations of health plans as may be needed. Financial examinations are conducted of all licensed health plans including full-service and all specialty health plans. The purpose of the financial examinations is to evaluate and report on regulatory compliance with the Knox Keene Act. Each financial examination discusses plan performance in the areas of health plan fiscal and administrative functions.

Final (public) reports that have been issued since July 1, 2001 are available on this website for review and are listed under the name of each health plan.

Available Reports

Please select a Health Plan from the drop-down menu below to see a list of documents available regarding the particular plan.

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Resources available to assist health plans with understanding the examination process:

Examiner's Guide - Update 12/2011


Claims Technical Assistance Guide