If you have limited proficiency in English, look for doctors and office staff who speak your language, or ask for an interpreter. Certified medical interpreters are trained to translate health information correctly. They must keep your information private. Qualified interpretation services are available to you for free, even if a family member or friend can provide interpretation services.
Your Rights to Get Language Services
All health plans must provide a qualified interpreter when you ask, either in-person or through a telephone- or video-conferencing system.
Most health plans, and all large plans, must provide written materials in the main languages spoken by their members. These materials can include:
- Your handbook of benefits (also called an Evidence of Coverage), Standard letters and notices of health plan eligibility and membership requirements,
- Notices of denial, reduction, modification, or termination of services and benefits,
- Notices of the right to file grievances and appeals.
State law requires that hospitals have interpreters, either on site or by telephone, 24 hours a day.
Health plans must pay for these services. Patients should not be charged.
Ask for an Interpreter When You Need One
- Ask for an interpreter when you see your primary care doctor or specialist.
- Also ask for an interpreter when you get other kinds of services, such as laboratory tests, diagnostic screening, physical therapy, or counseling.
- If you know that you will need an interpreter, tell your doctor or the office staff as far ahead as you can.
- Ask your doctor, health plan, and pharmacy to put your language request and need for an interpreter in your medical record.
If You Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
You have the right to a sign language interpreter. This right is protected by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. (See "Ask for an Interpreter When You Need One," above.)
Making Appointments
- If you know that you will need an interpreter, tell your doctor or the office staff as far ahead as you can.
- Ask your doctor, health plan, and pharmacy to put your language request and need for an interpreter in your medical record.
- The “I Speak” card shows what language a person speaks. It is printed in English and in the primary language. This card can be used to tell a provider for which language an interpreter is needed. Go to the website to obtain an “I Speak” card.
If You Have a Problem
If you have a problem getting the language services you need, call your health plan. If you cannot fix the problem with your health plan, contact the Help Center. The Help Center provides assistance in many languages.
Cultural and Linguistic Tools
Language Assistance Fact Sheet
DMHC Language Access Plan